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FREE Departments can now start drawing floor plans. Get immediate results while walking through a crime scene, conducting fire inspections or pre-fire plans
Specify a case number or business name, an investigator name, an agency name, a date & custom information.
Position items of interest on your sketch. A legend of all items is added to your report.
FREE CFITrainer.Net is a comprehensive system that allows participants to register for programs, track their progress as they complete educational modules, take online evaluation tests regarding the information in the modules and document their participation. The testing and documentation features are important to fire investigators who require credit for IAAI-CFI certification. While CFITrainer.Net will assist individuals seeking IAAI-CFI certification, or recertification, the program is intended for and available to all fire investigators regardless of their level of training or certification.
This organization is committed to combating arson and kindred crimes, through service to the Fire Investigation Community with educational and informative training seminars, classes and workshops. We are affiliated with the International Association of Arson Investigators, which is a world-wide organization with over 50,000 members.
We would like for this site to become one of your regular web stops. Check on the latest information and events involving the A. A. A. I. .
As you look through this site, you will see that there are a variety of ways in which this site can be utilized to provide information and assistance. Please continue to assist us by providing information relating to the investigation of fires. Information regarding local, state and national events is always welcomed and will be posted if it is relevant to Fire Investigation
FREE - The Bomb Arson Tracking System (BATS) is a web-based case management system which provides you, State and local arson & explosives investigators, access to up-to-date arson and explosives investigative data from across the nation at no charge.